Seeing the Beauty in All Things LEANN'S • CABINETS·TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2018 Everyone thinks they have the most beautiful kids. I am no different. I have four kids and think they all are amazing and could be super models. Why do we all think that about our kids? Is it because they look like us? Doubtful. We, especially as women, are so hard on ourselves. Maybe it is because we choose to see the beauty in our children. We aren’t looking for the imperfections. We see the birthmark or freckle as an identifying mark of individualism in them. It makes our children stand out and be more stunning in our eyes. This is an amazing gift parents are given: see the beauty in all things that travel around our children. If you think about it, babies and small children also have this gift of seeing everything in a clear light. The weeds in the yard look like a field of flowers to them...not the weeds that we need to kill as they appear to us. The kids see plain cardboard boxes as a spaceship or barbie house...we see more crap that needs to be thrown out from an Amazon order that just arrived. Why can’t we see the beauty in things around us? I am guilty of this and trying to change it. I have always thought that I (always) needed a bigger house, newer furniture, or light fixtures that are a different color. I always move the furniture around or repaint a room. I am a bargain shopper...but I am a shopper. What is wrong with me that I always need to “change” things and cannot just be satisfied with something? Well, I am not sure but I know it has made me really good at my job. I can help you find the most reasonable and affordable way to makeover your home. Cody, my oldest, is spending the summer in Italy studying and I believe that I have learned a bigger lesson from his time there than he has so far. We speak daily and he tells me about the importance there with communication. They meet nightly for dinner at home at 8pm. They hardly ever miss this time to sit and share. Meeting strangers in the streets and talking for an hour about well, anything, is not uncommon. Want to know what I have learned from that? They don’t care as much about material things...more about lessons your neighbor can share and learning about the family’s day is important. The kitchens are huge in Italy and I am not speaking about space. The heart of the flat or apartment, where the homegrown basil grows and the canter of wine sits. The conversation and laughs happen here...just as it should. Are you seeing the beauty in your kitchen? Am I seeing mine? Probably not...but we should be. Don’t spend tens of thousands of dollars changing your kitchen. Let me help you change it for a fraction of the cost and find the beauty in it. Start now. Then sit back, find the laughter, the canter of wine on your counter, the chairs being pulled around the table, and just enjoy it all. Love ya! LeAnn